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Feature Requests

Have an idea? Share your suggestions for improving zzTakeoff!
Add takeoff legend to takeoff
6h 8m
Are you going to be adding a feature where we can add a legend to the takeoff ? For example if I want to print the plan with all of the takeoffs ...
Notes - Hide and Show
16h 47m
Could you please work on the Hide/Show buttons for Notes only? If I want to show Notes only, I have to make everything visible and then manually t...
3 Replies
Organization of Folders / Plans
16h 59m
When I create a project, I organize the plans by discipline using folders. When the plans go into the folders and I open a new tab or close and r...
3 Replies
Under Review
Requested feature
17h 47m
The plan slide bars vertical and horizontal from Planswift were great for positioning the plan in the middle of the page. i wish the pointer woul...
1 Reply
Under Review
Additional Scale
17h 54m
I just received some Civil plans that have a 1" = 5' Scale. I can custom scale each drawing but it may be easier to add the scale as a feature re...
1 Reply
Project Team
19h 36m
Problem Statement: I think zztakeoff has a general concept of a team but hasn't implemented the full extent of what it needs to be and might no...
20 Replies
Under Review
Notes - Auto-size option to Note Boxes
1d 16h
Hello. Could you guys add an auto-size option to note boxes? Thank you!
1 Reply
Auto Count (with AI)
4d 12h
Was curious how people feel about an auto count feature down the line with AI. I have a pretty bad taste in my mouth using this before in other so...
6 Replies
4d 15h
Would it be possible to bring in the magnifier? That was a legacy Planswift feature that I used a TON - even had the "M" key mapped to a button on...
6 Replies
Under Review
Print Multiple Pages
4d 23h
From the print function there is an option to print "full page" and print "current view". Would love to be able to choose to print multiple pages,...
2 Replies
Download PDFs/files that are uploaded to the workspace
5d 7h
Was wondering if there are any plans in the future to allow users to download PDFs that were uploaded to their workspace. Could be useful for ...
4 Replies
Toolbar icon customization
5d 18h
I was thinking about it this morning, and I never really use these first 2 icon slots on the toolbar. Was wondering if there are any pla...
1 Reply
Ctrl Z and Ctrl Y function
6d 8h
Please add Ctrl Z and Ctrl Y function to quickly move back and forward on false clicks and mistakes.
2 Replies
Can there be a hover function?
6d 8h
Can there be a hover function so that you can see the quantity when hovering over an item? Ie length of area of an item?
14 Replies
Drawing Upload Process
6d 8h
Cheers! It is a great experience to drag and drop the drawings to start the upload process, gold star! Tiny suggestion is would remove the step...
2 Replies
Is there a undo and redo button?
6d 8h
Looking for the undo and redo buttons. Also a duplicate function would be cool where I dont have to start from scratch when I'm doing takeoffs on ...
4 Replies
Undo option, confirmation
6d 8h
Please add an undo hotkey, and confirmation dialog: Undo option. If someone inadvertently deletes any/ all takeoff on a sheet, a hot key to und...
3 Replies
is there an undo option
6d 8h
is there an undo option
3 Replies
Organizing Projects
6d 11h
I would LOVE a means of organizing our projects into different folders to archive old projects, or to organize projects into phases of development...
6 Replies
Expanded Hotkeys for Aligning Nodes & Takeoff Items
7d 18h
I noticed that zzTakeoff.com already includes useful hotkeys for aligning nodes to extreme Top (T), extreme Bottom (B), extreme Left (L), an...
6 Replies
Under Review